From Elder Darke:
We Love our Elder! Write him, he would love it! Almost half way done already, wow!Este Semana e muito bom! :D. Nos missionarios tem um renuao come Elder Anderson (muito bom!). Tam ben nos fazendo pocino servico, e nos andar para o oltro lado de nossa area para encontrar menos activo membros :D. Eu e meu companeto nao sabe onje nos estamos. :D. Tam ben todos pessoas em brazil estando preparando por o cupo do mundo, issue vai seu loco de mias :D.Sabado Quasie todos os missionarios ir para o capela em aza sul para ovir discursos de elder Anderson para o missionarios :D. Eu e meu companeto e quase targe por que o onibus esta difficial :D. Mais o renuao e muito ben. :D. Elder Anderson falo muito coises este vou ajuda nos seu bom missionarios :D. Todos o brazilados e muito muito animado por que para muito de eles, issue e o primero vece eles vou ver um Apostolo :D. Todos esta ben e todos o missionarios esta muito ben por o renuao :D.Nos Ajudando um membro em nosso ramo paintar o casa dele por pocino tempo. Este semana tam ben :D. Mais esta ben, e issue e ben por que nos tem um oportunidade para ensinar o espoca dele, por que ele nao e o membro de nossa agreaja :D. Ele quer seu um membro, e nos vou ajuda ela :D.Tamben nossa area e muito grande. E tem does partes. Eu e meu companeto trabalio em um lado muito dias, mais nos tem menos activos em o oltro lado. Nos decidir para andar para o oltro lado e trabalio e encontrar o menos activos. Nos nao tem muito successo em encontrar o menos activos. Mais nos conese nossa area muito melhore :D. Mais por como does hores, nos nao sabe perfectaments onje nos estamos :D.
Tam ben nos encontrar o enduresso de um pescesador nos tem um muito dificual tempo encontrar :D. Como does meses para encontrar. Mais agorda nos sabe o enderreso e nos podemos ajuda issue pescesador agorda :D. Ele ir agreaja como mais de 6 veses, e nos preseso batisar ela :D.Todo mundo e preparando por o cuppo do mundo aqui. commo decoracaos em todo rua, e decoracoa em todo markarda. E muito loco. Mais E muito sheeky tamben :D. Eu estou quasie cetcerteze nos preseso ficar em casa por partes de issue cupo :D. Mais Eu sei nos vou seu protegido, entao eu nao tem muito meidio.Tam ben eu estano ver o importancia do o mandamentos. Issue mandamentos esta para ajuda nos seu protegido, e tam ben para ajuda nos seu feliz em este vida. Um maso menos membro activo aqui comecar quebro o palavra do sabadoria. quando comecar so um pocino. muito pocino. Mais depois tempo ele usar mais e mais, e agora, um familia dele e que brando. ele e muito triste, mais eu sei o mandamentos esta importante por feliz e protecao em este vida. Nao que bro o mandamentos, ou voce vou seu triste.ENGLISH (sort of) :DThis week was super fantastic! We Had a Meeting with Elder Anderson (amazing!) did some service (super fun :D) and we traveled to the far end of our area to find some less active members :D Neither of us knew where we were, exactally :D. Also everyone is preparing for the world cup, its going to be crazy :D.Saturday almost all of the missionaries went to the chapel in Aza Sul to have a meeting with Elder Anderson specifically to the missionaries. My companion and i were almost late because the bus that we needed to use was being really difficult and it didnt pass by our city. So we had to get creative :D. The meeting was really amazing :D. Elder Anderson talked alot about how we could be better misionaries and it was really helpful :D. All the Brazilians were really excited to see Elder Anderson becuase this is probably the first time for many of them to see an Apostle. :D. All of the missionaries were really well beheaved for this meeting though, so it was really good :D.My companion and I have been helping a member in our Branch paint his house for a little bit of time. This week as well :D. it went really well and we also have the chance to teach his wife about the gospel becuase she is not a member but she wants to be :D. So we will help her :D.Estancia, our area, is huge. Normally we work in one side of the city (it is split into two parts by a river that runs in the middle of it). We have less actives on the other side of the river though so we decided to walk to the other side and find these less actives. Though we didnt find many of these less actives, we did get to know our area a lot better, even though we were really lost for a good portion of that day :D. We have an investagator here that has been going to church for like 6 or more weeks. However she doesnt know her address, and every time we tried to go with her to find her house she was doing something else, or something came up. Anyway it took forever to find her house. We finally found it the other day though so we are going to teach her, and then if she wants, babtise her (it will be great). :DEveryone is preparing for the world cup here though. All the stores have banners and flags hanging from the ceilings. In the streets people are hanging flags in the air. People are getting excited. Soccer is really popular here, like really popular. When The cup actually starts i am not sure if we will be able to leave our house, Its going to get really crazy. However i know that we are being protected by the hand of the lord. Everything will be all right :D;I am really seeing the importance of obeying the commandments. We have a less active member here that we have been tying to help recently. He started breaking the word of wisdom. At first it was small. After a lot of time it got to be a bigger and bigger problem. Now his family is breaking. Its really really sad. I know that if we keep the commandments, we will be happy, and we will be protected from many problems in this life. Its really simple, the Commandments are to help us be safe, and to protect us. When we follow the commandments we will be happy. We just need to follow all of the commandments.:D-Elder Darke
Love, Melanie (Mom)