Thursday, May 29, 2014

Elder Anderson, the World Cup and Commandments

So, I was thinking that we weren't going to get an email from our Elder this week.  I was wrong.  Yay!  Sounds like he had a good birthday and a wonderful conference with Elder Anderson.  Also, I know that he is starting to write in Portuguese first. Let me know if I'm missing something good!
From Elder Darke:
   Este Semana e muito bom! :D.  Nos missionarios tem um renuao come Elder Anderson (muito bom!).  Tam ben nos fazendo pocino servico, e nos andar para o oltro lado de nossa area para encontrar menos activo membros :D.  Eu e meu companeto nao sabe onje nos estamos. :D.  Tam ben todos pessoas em brazil estando preparando por o cupo do mundo, issue vai seu loco de mias :D.
    Sabado Quasie todos os missionarios ir para o capela em aza sul para ovir discursos de elder Anderson para o missionarios :D.  Eu e meu companeto e quase targe por que o onibus esta difficial :D.  Mais o renuao e muito ben.  :D.  Elder Anderson falo muito coises este vou ajuda nos seu bom missionarios :D.  Todos o brazilados e muito muito animado por que para muito de eles, issue e o primero vece eles vou ver um Apostolo :D.  Todos esta ben e todos o missionarios esta muito ben por o renuao :D.
    Nos Ajudando um membro em nosso ramo paintar o casa dele por pocino tempo.  Este semana tam ben :D.  Mais esta ben, e issue e ben por que nos tem um oportunidade para ensinar o espoca dele, por que ele nao e o membro de nossa agreaja :D.  Ele quer seu um membro, e nos vou ajuda ela :D.
    Tamben nossa area e muito grande.  E tem does partes.  Eu e meu companeto trabalio em um lado muito dias, mais nos tem menos activos em o oltro lado.  Nos decidir para andar para o oltro lado e trabalio e encontrar o menos activos.  Nos nao tem muito successo em encontrar o menos activos.  Mais nos conese nossa area muito melhore :D.  Mais por como does hores, nos nao sabe perfectaments onje nos estamos :D.
    Tam ben nos encontrar o enduresso de um pescesador nos tem um muito dificual tempo encontrar :D.  Como does meses para encontrar.  Mais agorda nos sabe o enderreso e nos podemos ajuda issue pescesador agorda :D.  Ele ir agreaja como mais de 6 veses, e nos preseso batisar ela :D.
    Todo mundo e preparando por o cuppo do mundo aqui.  commo decoracaos em todo rua, e decoracoa em todo markarda.  E muito loco.  Mais E muito sheeky tamben :D.  Eu estou quasie cetcerteze nos preseso ficar em casa por partes de issue cupo :D.  Mais Eu sei nos vou seu protegido, entao eu nao tem muito meidio.
    Tam ben eu estano ver o importancia do o mandamentos.  Issue mandamentos esta para ajuda nos seu protegido, e tam ben para ajuda nos seu feliz em este vida.  Um maso menos membro activo aqui comecar quebro o palavra do sabadoria.  quando comecar so um pocino.  muito pocino.  Mais depois tempo ele usar mais e mais, e agora, um familia dele e que brando.  ele e muito triste, mais eu sei o mandamentos esta importante por feliz e protecao em este vida.  Nao que bro o mandamentos, ou voce vou seu triste.
  ENGLISH (sort of) :D
    This week was super fantastic!  We Had a Meeting with Elder Anderson (amazing!) did some service (super fun :D) and we traveled to the far end of our area to find some less active members :D  Neither of us knew where we were, exactally :D.  Also everyone is preparing for the world cup, its going to be crazy :D.
    Saturday almost all of the missionaries went to the chapel in Aza Sul to have a meeting with Elder Anderson specifically to the missionaries.  My companion and i were almost late because the bus that we needed to use was being really difficult and it didnt pass by our city.  So we had to get creative :D.  The meeting was really amazing :D.  Elder Anderson talked alot about how we could be better misionaries and it was really helpful :D.  All the Brazilians were really excited to see Elder Anderson becuase this is probably the first time for many of them to see an Apostle. :D.  All of the missionaries were really well beheaved for this meeting though, so it was really good :D.
    My companion and I have been helping a member in our Branch paint his house for a little bit of time.  This week as well :D.  it went really well and we also have the chance to teach his wife about the gospel becuase she is not a member but she wants to be :D.  So we will help her :D.
    Estancia, our area, is huge.  Normally we work in one side of the city (it is split into two parts by a river that runs in the middle of it).  We have less actives on the other side of the river though so we decided to walk to the other side and find these less actives.  Though we didnt find many of these less actives, we did get to know our area a lot better, even though we were really lost for a good portion of that day :D.    We have an investagator here that has been going to church for like 6 or more weeks.  However she doesnt know her address, and every time we tried to go with her to find her house she was doing something else, or something came up.  Anyway it took forever to find her house.  We finally found it the other day though so we are going to teach her, and then if she wants, babtise her (it will be great). :D
    Everyone is preparing for the world cup here though.  All the stores have banners and flags hanging from the ceilings.  In the streets people are hanging flags in the air.  People are getting excited.  Soccer is really popular here, like really popular.  When The cup actually starts i am not sure if we will be able to leave our house,  Its going to get really crazy.  However i know that we are being protected by the hand of the lord.  Everything will be all right :D;
     I am really seeing the importance of obeying the commandments.  We have a less active member here that we have been tying to help recently.  He started breaking the word of wisdom.  At first it was small.  After a lot of time it got to be a bigger and bigger problem.  Now his family is breaking.  Its really really sad.  I know that if we keep the commandments, we will be happy, and we will be protected from many problems in this life.  Its really simple, the Commandments are to help us be safe, and to protect us.  When we follow the commandments we will be happy.  We just need to follow all of the commandments.
-Elder Darke
We Love our Elder!  Write him, he would love it!  Almost half way done already, wow!
Love, Melanie (Mom)

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Portuguese, Man Cakes, Elder Anderson and the rest of his email.

Post mother's-day letter!
Elder Darke:
  Este semana e muito bom!  Nos faz muito servico e tam ben nos vou tem elder Anderson visisar o missao sabado, e todos o missionaries estao preparado por issue.  Mais meu aniversadio e quarta feita e eu estou feliz por que quasie todos pessoas este email eu falo sobre issue :D.  Entao eu estou animado :D.  Nos estamos encontrar muito pessoas esta Eletos, o eles esta muio preparado por o evengelio tamben, o problema e muito de deles preseso casar! :D.  Mais todos e muito bem :D.
    Por muito tempo nos estamos fazendo service em um casa de o membro.  Ele esta painte o casa dele e nos estamos ajudando :D.  este e muito bom, e ajuda eu sentir feliz depois nos estamos terminando :D.  Mais meu bracos esta consado depois nos ajuda :D.  um esposo dele quer seu batisado! nos estamos muito animado :D.
    Sabado, Elder Anderson vou visitar o missao e fala com todos o missionarios, e eu animado para ovir o palavras dele :D.  Para preparar todos o missionarios estamos focolizar especialment em cetcertaza coises como contactos, ou novo pescesadors para ajuda nos seu preparado.  Todo o missao e fazendo muito, e todos estamos animado :D.
    Meu aniversadio e quarta feida e eu esto muito animado.  Probablamente vou seu um normal dia, mais eu e elder estamos prepara para faz muito sheeke coises para lembrar este especial dia :D.  Nos fazendo FRENCH TOAST!  e syrup.  E tam ben nos tem MAN CAKES!  Entao eu estou animado por issue :D.
    Nos encontrarmos muito pessoas este animado e preparado por o evengelio.  Este e muito animado e sheeky para ver o trabalio do senhor progredido :D.  Pessoas presseso faz todo coises para aprender este agreja e verdade por eles mesmos, mais este pessoas esta fazendo issue, e este e muito sheeky e eu estou muito feliz :D.
   Eu sei este agreja e verdadairo.  Eu sei Jesus Cristo vive, e ele e nossa salvador e redentor.  Eu sei pai celestial e nosso pai, e ele amor todos nos :D.  Eu tamben sei o poder o sacerdocio e verdadaderio, e issue i por o bencao do todos pessoas em o mundo.  Eu sei este e verdade.  Em o nome De Jesus Cristo, amen.

    This week was really amazing!  We did a lot of service and Elder Anderson will also visit the mission on saturday.  Everyone is preparing for this.  Also my virthday is on wednesday and i am really happy becuase almost everyone that emailed me talked about it, and said happy birthday! :D.  So i am really excited.  We are also meeting a lot of people that are prepared for the gospel.  the only problem is they need to get married!  But everything is going well :D.
    So we have a member here that we have been doing a lot of service in his house becuase he is painting his house and he asked for our help!  Service is so much fun though and it helps me feel really happy!  After we are done my arm is always really tired becuase the service we are doing is amazing!  however i am doing really well :D.  The members wife is going to get babtised here soon so i am really excited about that :D
    Saturday Elder Anderson is gong to visit the mission and talk to all of the missioanries.  I am really excited to hear his words and learn things ;D.  All the missionaries of my mission are getting ready by focusing on aspects of the work, like contacts, or new pescesadors.  We are doing this to help us prepare for Elder Anderson! :D.  We are all really excited :D

I think his letter got cut off !  Here is what I can read on my phone:
My birthday is wednesday and i am really excited!  Wednesday itself will probably be a normal day, however my companion and I are preparing some really amazing things to remember this special day:D Like we made French roast the other day! with syrup!  it was good and we also have MAN CAKES!  So i am excited to eat the meal of a MAN!  maua ha hah :D 
This week we have been meeting a lot of people that are just prepared for the gospel.  The blessings of the lord are amazing, and frequent as the days fly by :D.  These people still need to learn the church is true for themselves, however these electos are learning these truths very quickly, and its really cool to watch.  I am also really happy that these things are a happening. :D
I know that this church is true.  That Jesus Christ lives, and he is our savior and redeemer.  I know that Heavenly father is our father, and he loves all of us.  I also know that the priesthood is the power of god on the earth, and it is for the blessing of everyone on the earth.  I know these things are true.  In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. 
That about sums it up.  I don't know why it went wrong on my email.  Anyway, thank you for wishing him a happy birthday!  It means the world to his mom!
Love, Melanie (Mom)

Monday, May 5, 2014

Elder Beaty, Davi, and the Plan of Salvation

Sorry, folks!  I just couldn't seem to get caught up last week.  Today's special two for one Missionary week with pictures, yay!!
From Elder Darke:

April 28th, 2014:
Baptism of Pedro and "Steve"

This week was amazing!  we had an actividade de zona.  a babtismal.  I will tem um new companeto.  and I will probably be in estancia por um transfer but thats ok becuase i really like estancia! :D.
    So we had a babtism!!!!  The story of this person is really cool though.  Irmao steve (his name isnt steve, but im changing it for this letter >:D) is devorced and his son wasnt a member.  When he joined the church he decided that he wanted his son in the church as well :D.  So at first it didnt seem to be working.  However he prayed for his son for better part of a year (i think).  Two days ago his son was babtised and he is awesome!  I am really happy for them also!  They are my friends!  (everyone here is my friend now, i just decided :D).  
    Today i am kindof sad though becuase as i was thinking and i realized that my companion (elder alves) is going to leave on wednesday!  I dont want him to leave!  He is my friend...  I am going to get his email and keep in touch, but i dont know when i will see him again!  Its a really weird stur of emotions at the moment.  Everything will be fine though, becuase im going to make him promise to email me :D.
    Mikey was wondering if i was running into more obsticales and i just wasnt telling anyone.  As i think about it i can proudly say that i dont remember any :D.  I think this is not becasuse i havnt had any, but more that i know what i am doing.  I am on the lords errand, helping all come unto him.  I have a message for all to hear.  Also I try to think that everything is a learning experience.  When i think of things like this the bad times dont seem so bad, and i end up forgetting them :D.  Also I have felt so many blessings of the lord, how could i possibly dwell on the bad when there is so much good that i can rejoice about? :D 
Estancia Chapel
    Estancia has been my home for a few months now.  I really like it here!  The members are really amazing, there are a lot of people here that need our help, and I am finally starting to remember the names of people :D (names, dates, and these things are really challenging for me to remember :D, I am so glad i have a planner to write everything down :D).  Its also a very unique experience to find someone you know you can help, and then actually help them.  Its perhaps one of the best feelings that i can remember :D.
    I just want to say that I know the book of mormon is true.  I know the church of Jesus Christ of Latter day saints is the true church on the earth, and by abiding by its teachings we can one day be with heavenly father again, with all our family as well :D.  I know these things are true.  I also know that Heavenly father loves us and will answer our prays.  He loves all of us that much.  Its truly amazing :D.

May 5, 2014:
  This week was crazy!  and Fantabulous!
       So First thing that happened this week was my companion returned home (becuase his mission is over).  So i had like 4 days where i combined with another elder that is in a city really close to ours.  So we were working double duty and going and working in estancia, but also working in his city as well.  It was a busy time :D. however it was really fun :D.  Elder Alves (my old companion)  Was an amazing, diligent missionary.  Even though he was going home he worked to the very last second.  I want to do that to :D.
    We also had a babtism!  His name was Davi.  He is a really awesome kid.  He has about 8 years but he is part of a part member family.  His step dad is recently returning to the church and he is bringing his wife and 3 kids with him :D.  So this is really exciting! :D.  The members were really amazing as well, they brought juice and cake to the babtism, so i hope it is rememberable :D.
    I also got a new companion, his name is elder Beaty.  He is really awesome!  He is an american so he speaks english but we have a goal to speak nothing but portugese!  that was i can learn better portugese.  Because i can understand almost everything people say but when i talk people are having a hard time understanding what im saying.  So i am going to really work on my grammer this transfer! :D.
Estancia Branch
    I am also still in estancia!  This is going to be my 4th transfer in estancia and i am really excited!  estancia is progressings really well and it is by far my favorite area in my mission so far :D.  We have a lot of amazing investagators and i can wait to keep teaching them :D.  Helping other people learn about eternal happiness just never seems to get old :D.
    Also Today and this week especially i have been a little sad.  Not all the time, just in the quite moments at my house.  Today i finally figured out what it is.  I am making a lot of friends, meeting a lot of people and all these things give me great joy.  However as some of my friends start to go home, or go to other areas I start feeling like i will not see them for a really long time!  However I know its all right.  Also i have time on p P-day to email them so I will be able to keep in touch even today :D.
    Also i have been thinking about the great and glorious plan of salvation.  (becuse its really fun to teach to people :D).  However Its really a perfect plan.  I cant find a flaw in it.  Free agency is given to man, and the oportunity to return to the prescense of god is offered.  If we just follow the commandments we can be happy in this life.  Even the commandments are given to us that we may learn, and be protected from many of the plauges this world has.  However i feel that by far the best thing is simply the knowledge that death is not the end.  We will be with our family again.  The sorrow of death is swallowed up in christ.  But what does this phrase mean?  its simply means that Christ over came death, that he lives again, and becuase he lives, so shall we all.  So all those that have lost a loved one, and need some comfort.  Or just need help feeling better.  I have two suggestions.  First, pray for comfort.  For when we pray with faith, it will be given to us :D.  Second, study about the plan of salvation.  It has eternal principles that are amazing and can give us comfort.  We just need to know the plan.  learn from it, becuse it is a perfect plan :D.  I know that this is true.  and so can all you, through prayer, faith, and the loving power of god :D.
-Elder Darke

I'll update y 'all after I get to talk to him on Mother's Day, next week.  YAY!!  I also sent his birthday package. Thanks to all for your additions to that, it should be fun for him. Also, BIG thanks to those who are helping to support Elder Darke's mission. We love y'all!
Melanie (Mom)