Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Cookies, Lightning, a Flood and the Holy Ghost

Here's the latest update from Elder Darke.  He seems well and is getting more and more comfortable with the language.
From Elder Darke:

Hello!  Another Fantastic week!
  Wednesday we had an amazing zone meeting, and Our district leader made us cookies! :D I like cookies :D.  After that I went on a trade to a different area, so i didnt know where was was almost at all that day.  We also had interviews with the mission president!  Everything is going good so i really didnt know what to tell him :P.  It was all good though.  He is very understanding and awesome.
   That night though we got hit with a really heavy lightning storm :D.  It was really cool.  Most of the lightning was in the clouds, so every few seconds the clouds would light up.  That is how much lightning there was.  Then every few minutes or so, a lighting bolt would streak down, it was really cool.  the lightning here is blue.  I am not sure if it is blue in the states or not, I cant remember :D.  So we probably stayed up for far to long watching that :D.  and you know it is really raining a lot when your second story house starts flooding.  we had a balcony, and the water was seeping in from under the door, until the entire front room had water on the floor.  Thats ok though because all of the floors are tile here, so no damage in any form was done :D.
    After that we taught people, and commited some more people to dates for babtism!  My companion is awesome!  He is really good at teaching, he is really helping me learn portugese becuase he doesnt know english, and He is a dork, just like me!  So we end up laughing at eachother daily :D  Today he closed the garage door on me.  it was really funny.  He didnt mean to but, it was still funny :D.
    So in my area me and my companion need to be in our house at 8:30 at the lastest, instead of 9:30.  It is a change that we are still trying to get used to :D.  Most days it usually ends up with us speed walking to our house becuase we only have like 4 minutes left :D.  But we are doing pretty good at being there on time :D.  I dont really understand why we need to.  But i know that the mission president gave us this new rule, and I trust in his judgement to keep us safe :D.  So we are trying to do what he asks us to do :D. 
   A really cool experience that we had was actually yesterday we were teaching the joseph smith story.  we had the video ´´the Restoration´´ (a video of the Joseph smith story)  and we were teaching this family about it.  We played the video, and the spirit just flooded into the room.  Like literally flooded.  It was so strong that everyone in the room started tearing up, and my companion was trying really hard not to cry.  Then with tears in his eyes, he asked if our investagators would follow the example of Jesus Christ and be babtised in his church.  and they said yes!!!  I know this work is true.  That this church is true.  The spirit I felt is just proof of what I Know to be true.  Heavenly father Loves us.  Jesus Christ Loves us so much he died for our sins.  The holy spirit is not ony real, but he can testify of the truth of this work.  as Moroni says `´and by the power of the holy you may know the truth of all things :D´´ (i added the smiley face :D).  A mission is fun, it is amazing, it is spiritual.  It is a learning experience.  It is gods work here on the earth, and I am privilaged enough to be able to help take his work forward, as a representative of Jesus Christ.  I hope everyone gets to be able to enjoy this, either as full time missionaries, seinor missionaries, or even member missionaries.  That is how much I treasure this work, and this feeling that I know is true. :D
-Elder Darke

We just sent another package off for Elder Darke complete with dry sacks and umbrellas!  The next package planned will be for his birthday in May.  If you want to piggyback anything in it let us know!  Elder Darke is begging for some actual mail.  Emails are great, but he can't print them.  He'd like to be able to reread some as he chooses.  Thank you for all of the support and love that is being felt in lots of different ways!  We are very blessed!
Love, Melanie (mom)

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